
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Myth of Sound: Overture by Daniel Ramirez

I began this first issue in 2010. It was made using Prismacolor markers and a bit of touch up and type in Photoshop. In the five years that it has taken me to complete this issue I have developed the story of Myth of Sound to great length. I hope to be collaborating with other pencilers, inkers and colorists for subsequent issues dealing with differing characters in varying parts of the world. With Myth of Sound I hope to create new endearing characters that further the conscious reaches of our global culture. I'm by no means a professional comic book penciler or cartoonist, but I hope this beginning entry into the story of Myth of Sound will spark some interest. Hard copies of the comic will be available soon.

You can help fund this comic book series on Patreon NOW!

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